MSC - MSC - Series

ESD Connector Caps and Plugs

The MSC series caps and plugs are manufactured of an ICP (inherently conductive polymer) compound. This non-sloughing material will not “mark” or “crayon” when rubbed briskly against a hard, flat, laminated surface. These non-sloughing caps and plugs, commonly used in military and aerospace, meet the requirements of M 5501/31.

This product has been fabricated from a conductive material that:

  1. Surface resistivity of less than 1 x 105 ohms/square in accordance with ASTM test method D-257-78
  2. Meet the Static Decay requirements of MIL-PRF-81705E, Type II and Federal Test Method Standard No. 101, Method 4046

Please note part numbers have been updated due to an internal change to reflect the proper material code.

Material: ICP Compound

Standard Colour: Black

Type: Protection & Finishing , Caps, Electronic Connectors

Material: Other Materials, Static Dissipative, HDPE

Applications: Hydraulics

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Part Number Dim A (mm) Dim B (mm) Dim C (mm) Dim D (mm) MS 5501/31 Shell Size
MSC-4Q4 6.22 7.75 12.70 10.92
MSC-5Q3 7.75 9.27 12.70 12.70
MSC-6Q4 9.35 11.13 12.70 15.75
MSC-8RQ3 12.19 13.72 12.70 18.80
MSC-8YQ3 10.49 12.27 15.75 17.02
MSC-9Q3 13.77 15.29 12.70 19.81
MSC-10RQ3 15.37 16.89 12.70 21.34
MSC-10YQ3 13.46 15.11 15.75 19.05
MSC-12YQ3 16.64 18.16 15.75 21.84
MSC-12RQ3 18.29 19.69 12.70 24.64
MSC-48R-1Q3 75.18 77.47 15.24 81.79 2960 48
MSC-14YQ3 19.94 21.46 15.75 26.16
MSC-14RQ3 21.79 22.99 12.70 28.45
MSC-16YQ3 22.68 24.46 15.75 28.45
MSC-16RQ3 24.71 26.29 12.70 30.99
MSC-18YQ3 26.11 27.64 15.75 31.75
MSC-18RQ3 27.76 29.34 14.22 33.78
MSC-19Q3 29.67 31.45 14.22 36.32
MSC-20YQ3 29.21 30.86 15.75 35.81
MSC-20RQ4 31.27 33.05 14.22 37.08
MSC-22YQ3 32.26 34.04 15.75 38.10
MSC-22RQ4 34.04 35.81 14.22 40.39
MSC-23Q3 35.76 37.54 14.22 41.91
MSC-24YQ3 35.31 37.08 15.75 41.66
MSC-24RQ3 37.16 38.94 14.22 43.18
MSC-25Q3 39.01 40.79 14.22 45.21
MSC-25YQ3 39.12 40.13 15.75 45.97
MSC-26Q3 40.39 42.16 14.22 45.97
MSC-32YQ3 48.01 50.04 15.75 53.85
MSC-36YQ3 54.36 56.13 15.75 59.44
MSC-48Y-1Q3 73.15 74.93 15.75 79.25 2880 -
MSC-44R-1Q3 57.66 71.42 15.24 75.18 2720 44
MSC-28Y-1Q3 41.86 43.64 15.75 47.75 1645 -
MSC-28R-1Q3 43.56 45.47 14.22 49.53 1715 28
MSC-32R-1Q3 49.91 51.82 14.22 56.39 1965 32
MSC-36R-1Q3 53.98 58.17 15.24 61.98 2215 36
MSC-40R-1Q3 61.98 64.26 15.24 67.56 2440 40
MSC-40Y-1Q3 60.45 62.23 15.75 66.04 2380 -
MSC-44Y-1Q3 66.80 68.58 15.75 73.15 2630 -
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